Joshua Rashaad McFadden will be going to cities across the USA to speak about his new book 'Come to Selfhood'. Come to Selfhood TourThis entry was posted in talks and tagged book tour come to selfhood Joshua Rashaad McFadden photbook on 19th October 2016
I’ve also completed projects about police brutality, civil and human rights. With this project I wanted to be more personal, while still involving others. Come to Selfhood, by Joshua Rashaad McFaddenThis entry was posted in talks and tagged black books Joshua Rashaad McFadden USA on 17th September 2016
We're incredibly excited to be nominated for "Book Publisher of the Year" for two of our titles. We're nominated for a Lucie Award – Twice!This entry was posted in talks and tagged awards come to selfhood Joshua Rashaad McFadden lucie awards photobooks Red String Yoshikatsu Fujii on 6th September 2016