Whenever I walk the dog, I have flashes of memories of my father speaking to the people with whom he used to chat. Much to my surprise, that was the side of my father I never knew.
The project deals with the emotional cries of children raised in abusive homes. A book by Miki Hasegawa, not easy to digest but nonetheless very significant.
"My parents, who owned a photo studio, went missing after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011." Read what Mayumi remembers and how she recovers from this traumatic experience.
Matt Eich tackles fatherhood, vulnerability within marriage, and the complications of family life in his new book "I Love You, I'm Leaving." Order it now.
It's been a whole two years since we published The Middle of Somewhere by Sam Harris. We took a moment to discuss what he's been up to, why long term projects are fulfilling, and why it's important to slow down.
We were honoured to accept the challenge of making a "trade edition" of a beautifully crafted handmade book dealing with the difficult subject matter that suicide is.
I’ve also completed projects about police brutality, civil and human rights. With this project I wanted to be more personal, while still involving others.
When Yoshikatsu approached us about a chance to collaborate, we were incredibly excited. This season, we will be working to produce and publish the “trade” edition of Red String.